Synoptic Project #1 – The Group + Idea

So as my first synoptic project blog post I am going to explain these posts and how they will work. I will be posting at least 1 a week (if I can keep to the routine and remember). They will consist of  :

  • scrum feedback / run down
  • progress on animations
  • progress on rigging
  • progress on 3D models and textures
  • concepts and procedures of the design
  • any other relevant information

I will try keep the posts short with images when available.


So , finally the project time that we all have been waiting for. After being told by tutors and lecturers to get these done I am. The synoptic project is a project on the course that will take up the remaining segment of the course. The task is to create a game , animation vfx sequence with the themes we were giving being :

  • Fictional Character
  • Place of significant interest
  • Connection to local history (something along the lines of that)

We then all had to come up with an idea , mine was a tower defense game based off the xbox and pc game Sanctum 2. If interested here is the link to the slideshow pitch I made : 

In my pitch I included some models that I sculpted in MudBox 2017 quickly , these were my favorite part of the pitch and i liked how they came out for the short amount of time spent on them. They are all different classes and were just concept models. The guy with the helmet is a soldier , goggles on head is engineer , rather large guy is the heavy and the thin guy with the look a like loaf of bread on his head is the scout. My pitch was also to Stephen Hey from EA/Chillingo who gave me some good feedback towards the end of the day :

After we pitched the ideas over 2 days we all voted on 3 ideas that we would like to work on in order of favorite and also listed our job specialties and things we are willing to do within the project.

I wrote that I am willing to do “3D , Animation and Rigging” and I voted for

  1. Final Spark (Animation)
  2. Asimov Dilema (Game)
  3. Wonderland (VR/Game)

The project I ended up on was Final Spark along with 4 other members of the class, here is the list of members and roles :

As you can see my main role is “Lead Animator”.

What is a lead animator?
A Lead Animator is the “Animator in Chief” in charge of an animation project for a film studio, a television studio, or a game development studio. You see, animation is a complicated process. Whether done by hand or on a computer, it needs a team of talented Animators, led by a Lead Animator.


The idea of the animation in a short description is , a boy is walking through some trees / down a path and then trips over near the front of a castle and then when he looks up a giant robot emerges from the ground and goes to grab in and just as the robot is about to get in contact with him the screen cuts to black and ends. The idea may not be 100% that as we are still redoing the storyboard and deciding on what exactly is still to go in and not to go in but that’s the general idea.

We were also given this feedback and advice by the lecturers :


Time to get to work !


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