
Hello and welcome to my NextGen Skills Academy Blog. Here you will find posts on my development throughout the NextGen course.

Current Year of course : 2

Things on my blog from Year 2:

  1. My progress in Modelling
  2. My progress in Animation
  3. My progress in getting better at general art (Maybe)
  4. Live Briefs
  5. Trips
  6. Synoptic project ” Final Spark ” a animation

Things on my blog from Year 1:

  1. Nomad (A game published on the steam store which I work on along side another member of the nextgen course and a couple other members of the team.)
  2. RPG Game that me and 4 class mates are working on in game maker.
  3. My progress in coding
  4. My progress in modelling
  5. My progress in VFX
  6. My progress in Animation
  7. My progress in getting better at general art
  8. Industry and key terms related to the industry
  9. Live Briefs
  10. Trips
  11. VFX film Breakdowns
  12. My 3D Asteroids game to make me better at Maths in coding and to help with my exams

Enjoy !


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