NextGen Year 2

(This post is late and was meant to be posted a month ago but i did not finish it and it was sat in my drafts so i decided to write some more and post it.)

Image result for nextgen

Here i am , back again with another year of the NextGen course. My main focus will be 3D for games / VFX and Animation for all areas of the industry. These will be the areas of the course i am going to specialize in,  they  will be the areas i will take in to Uni and study further in. My goal is to finish this course and move on to be either a game environment artist ,  VFX 3D artist or 3D animator in Uni and from there move in to  the industry. I would like to have completed a full environment / map by the end of the 2nd year of this course and /or a good level of an animation both 3D and 2D that i can use in my portfolio.


That is a small post of my goals / aims for this course and what i am going to try after this course.

Here is to another year

Image result for 3d dancing gif

 (Thought it was funny)

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