Models In Maya – Building Pack – Part 1

So i decided with recently learning more about Maya that why not model a few things in my spare time , i was looking up on YouTube the best way to make buildings and found some nice videos. After watching the 12 minute long video of the basics when making a house including door frames , walls , stairs and floor i decided to evolve this and add a few more things like a roof , ladder , power generator and balcony along with some simple solar panels on the roof. Here is a gif of my first building (un textured like everything i do these days because texturing is horrible)


After having my first building model done i decided to look into another one of the videos  and again followed along with my own touch which led me to making a model with no insides that are visible and rather a solid blocked out building from the outside including a side footpath / road and more detail to the building :


I will be completing some more related models and posting them in some more parts and eventually i will get round to texturing them … Great.

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