SWOT Analysis

Strengths :

  • 3D Modelling in multiple programs such as

  1. Maya
  2. 3Ds Max
  3. Cinema 4D
  4. Blender
  • Knowledge and capability to animate in programs both 2D and 3D

  1. Adobe Flash
  2. Maya
  • Ability to work in groups and lead if needed

  • Creative

  • I have a good attendance

  • Determined to be part of the industry in Games , VFX or Animation


  • Basic knowledge of coding

  • Do not like to present my work to groups

  • Standard art capabilities


  • I have had the opportunity to go on many trips to network and discover new things such as Teeside Uni , Animex , Sunderland Uni , EGX

  • I have had the chance to participate in many game jams within college to improve my team work skills.


  • The only real problem , is my lack of liking to present my work  in front of crowds. This can be a threat because I’m going to have to show off my work in portfolios and in presentations in the industry and that will have to be sorted / fixed to make sure I can achieve things I aim for.

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