Assignment – Dream Job

So today in class we were told to think of our dream job and elaborate on it in a blog post , I do not have a dream job therefore I am just going with what I am best at.

I will be focusing on a 3D environment artist as this is what I currently do most.

What is the responsibility of a 3D Environment Artist:

The environment artist (also known as an environment modeler) creates backgrounds and scenery for video games—anything from architectural elements like pyramids or arenas to chairs and plants. Game designers first hand an idea to the concept artist to sketch. After several drafts and revisions, the concept art is sent to the environment artists to create 3D models with texture, color, and lighting. During this time-consuming process, the senior environment artist will continually consult with the design team to ensure a consistent style. He or she will also communicate with level designers and animators to take into account gameplay considerations like mission-critical assets, inclusion of vehicles, and design of creatures and other non-player characters.

What to Expect:

It may take at least two years of game industry art experience to qualify for a role as an environment artist. This varies depending on the size of the company and the quality of your portfolio. To get here, look for positions as a junior artist and art department internships. On the job, plan to work long hours during the run-up to a milestone or deadline. It is common to put in 10- or 12-hour days without weekends or vacations. Pressure to deliver at your best can be overwhelming to some; you’ve got to have passion for games to survive the stressful times. That being said, this job will provide you with the opportunity to grow and develop as an artist while paying the bills; you’ll work closely with designers who are dreaming up tomorrow’s best-selling titles, and your talents are on display to the world. After three years of experience in this role and at least two shipped titles, you can pursue advancement opportunities as a lead artist or transition to game design.

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