How Companies Are Funded And Make Money


The practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

Places like kick starter is a good example of this. Companies can post projects on the site and people can show interest in them and donate money.


Business and Finance


A grant is an amount of money given to an individual or business for a specific project or purpose. You can apply for a grant from the government, the European Union, local councils and charities.

Tax Relief

Remission of a proportion of income tax normally due on earned income.

Business Angel (Angel Investor)

An angel investor or angel (also known as a business angel, informal investor, angel funder, private investor, or seed investor) is an affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity.


A thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.


Sales and Advertising


The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something.


The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services. This is a good way to earn attention for a product , companies get payed for running ads for other companies meaning it is easy to spread word of a product.


This is advertising that has a deeper association between an advertiser and a publisher.

Action Plan

What would I like to improve ?

I would like to improve my animation skills both 3d and 2d.  Id also like to get better at art as my current level of art is low .I would like to get better at 3D Modelling and create some environment along with seeing some more of my work in published games.

How am I going to do this ?

I am going to practise my animation skills in 2d within adobe flash and make an animation of a stick figure on a small adventure trying to create some sort of story from it without text for speech or narration , the story will be fully from actions of the character. For 3D animation I will go ahead and create some sort of 3D character and rig it , then I will animate it either for a game or for animation. I will get better at art by practising including concept art. I will practise 3D modelling more in 3Ds max and gain more modelling knowledge in Maya.

What are next steps ?

Finish the next gen course. Complete a game. Go to Teesside University. Then get a job as a 3D environment artist or animator.





SWOT Analysis

Strengths :

  • 3D Modelling in multiple programs such as

  1. Maya
  2. 3Ds Max
  3. Cinema 4D
  4. Blender
  • Knowledge and capability to animate in programs both 2D and 3D

  1. Adobe Flash
  2. Maya
  • Ability to work in groups and lead if needed

  • Creative

  • I have a good attendance

  • Determined to be part of the industry in Games , VFX or Animation


  • Basic knowledge of coding

  • Do not like to present my work to groups

  • Standard art capabilities


  • I have had the opportunity to go on many trips to network and discover new things such as Teeside Uni , Animex , Sunderland Uni , EGX

  • I have had the chance to participate in many game jams within college to improve my team work skills.


  • The only real problem , is my lack of liking to present my work  in front of crowds. This can be a threat because I’m going to have to show off my work in portfolios and in presentations in the industry and that will have to be sorted / fixed to make sure I can achieve things I aim for.

Assignment – Dream Job

So today in class we were told to think of our dream job and elaborate on it in a blog post , I do not have a dream job therefore I am just going with what I am best at.

I will be focusing on a 3D environment artist as this is what I currently do most.

What is the responsibility of a 3D Environment Artist:

The environment artist (also known as an environment modeler) creates backgrounds and scenery for video games—anything from architectural elements like pyramids or arenas to chairs and plants. Game designers first hand an idea to the concept artist to sketch. After several drafts and revisions, the concept art is sent to the environment artists to create 3D models with texture, color, and lighting. During this time-consuming process, the senior environment artist will continually consult with the design team to ensure a consistent style. He or she will also communicate with level designers and animators to take into account gameplay considerations like mission-critical assets, inclusion of vehicles, and design of creatures and other non-player characters.

What to Expect:

It may take at least two years of game industry art experience to qualify for a role as an environment artist. This varies depending on the size of the company and the quality of your portfolio. To get here, look for positions as a junior artist and art department internships. On the job, plan to work long hours during the run-up to a milestone or deadline. It is common to put in 10- or 12-hour days without weekends or vacations. Pressure to deliver at your best can be overwhelming to some; you’ve got to have passion for games to survive the stressful times. That being said, this job will provide you with the opportunity to grow and develop as an artist while paying the bills; you’ll work closely with designers who are dreaming up tomorrow’s best-selling titles, and your talents are on display to the world. After three years of experience in this role and at least two shipped titles, you can pursue advancement opportunities as a lead artist or transition to game design.

Payment :

capture 5


Job roles within the VFX industry


What is it ? Constructing the final image by combining layers of previously-created material, including rendered computer animation, special effects, graphics, 2D animation, live action and static background plates

Requirements / How to become it?

To be a Compositor, it will help you to have a degree in an art-related subject, such as animation, design, illustration, painting, drawing, photography or computer animation.


Concept Artist

What is it ?

  • producing the illustrations that help Production Designers realise their vision
  • making sure their drawings are accurate and clear and adapting them as necessary during filming
  • using computer illustration software packages


Requirements / How to become it?

There is no typical career route to becoming a Concept Artist. You could start off as a Graphic Artist, Illustrator or Graphic Novelist. Otherwise, you can work in special or visual effects or animation and make the transition to Concept Artist via storyboarding.


The layout artist (3d computer animation)

What is it ?

  • Breaking down 2D storyboards into 3D shots
  • Staging every shot and plotting the action that will take place within each scene
  • Ensuring that everything that is going to be animated is set up properly


Requirements / How to become it?

One of the routes to this role is to have honed your artistic talent and gained skills in the relevant software in a previous role. This could include working as a designer, illustrator, sculptor, Storyboard Artist among other roles.


Lighting technical director or lighter

What is it ?

  • Ensuring there is consistency in lighting, colour balance and mood between the various elements of a shot or scene
  • Making sure the computer-generated imagery looks photorealistic to match the live action
  • Adding the lighting that creates atmosphere, and adds realism, tone and depth to a scene


Requirements / How to become it?

There are several levels of Lighting TD/Lighter from junior through to a Senior Technical Director or Supervisor. This job profile relates to a mid-level grade.

There is no traditional route you can take into the lighting department. However, it is unlikely that you will get a job in this department when you are just starting out.


Match move artist

What is it ?

Translating and imitating the camera movements in live action shots and matching those movements in 3D computer animations

Requirements / How to become it?

To be a Match Move Artist, it is likely you will need to gain a degree in a 3D discipline, such as computer graphics or computer animation.


Roto Artist

What is it ?

  • Tracing the areas of live action frames where computer graphics will overlap or interact with live image
  • Creating clear areas (mattes) within the frame to allow all elements of the scene to be layered convincingly by the Compositor


Requirements / How to become it?

This can be an entry-level job, straight from university or if you have been a Runner and gained the relevant skills and experience. Roto Artist is the most junior role in the compositing department.


Producer (VFX)

What is it ?

  • Keeping the project running efficiently, on-time and to a high standard
  • Ensuring the project stays within budget


Requirements / How to become it?

Producers are usually hired based on previous experience. It’s a role for people who know a great deal about the process as a whole, as they are required to make decisions for every process of production.

The route to becoming an Producer will usually start as an animator, modeller or other technical artist. By showing hard-work, dedication, knowledge, and a flair for leadership and organisation, becoming a Producer wouldn’t be too much of a challenge down the road.


Runner (VFX)

What is it ?

  • Providing support to the VFX artists
  • Ensuring the studio atmosphere remains positive


Requirements / How to become it?

Runners are an entry level position, and the best way to get a job as one is to apply. VFX Studios will be looking for ambitious people who are willing to learn and eventually progress up the company, so remaining confident in your interview is key. Placements can be anywhere from a few days to a few months, and it can pay to get experience in both small and large studios before deciding on your next move.


VFX Supervisor

What is it ?

  • Evaluating which part of a production will need visual effects
  • Ensuring the VFX shots are filmed correctly on set
  • Negotiating with the production crew and budget to discuss the feasibility of the VFX work
  • Leading a team of artists to see the final VFX shots to fruition


Requirements / How to become it?

VFX Supervisors have typically gained a lot of previous VFX experience before transitioning as a supervisor. Many graduates will enter junior roles in small companies before transitioning into VFX Supervisors. Some move up from junior on-set roles after spending time in the tracking, scanning or rotoscoping departments.

A strong technical background is key, though the position itself will need a creative flair.


Layout artist

What is it ?

  • Breaking down 2D storyboards into 3D shots
  • Staging every shot and plotting the action that will take place within each scene
  • Ensuring that everything that is going to be animated is set up properly


Requirements / How to become it?

There is no typical career route you can follow. One of the routes to this role is to have honed your artistic talent and gained skills in the relevant software in a previous role. This could include working as a designer, illustrator, sculptor, Storyboard Artist among other roles.





Contract Types Within The industry


What is it ? Freelancer. a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer.

Job Advert :

What do you need to freelance ?

Somewhere to promote yourself , a business card , a portfolio of your best work and a few references which you will acquire as you proceed .

What are the advantages of being a freelancer ?

If you freelance , you can set your own hours. Can arrange your breaks from work and use time to improve your personal website / investigate other ways to market your freelance services. You can work from home , you will not have to convince your employer that it is a good idea to let you telecommute.



What is it ? An agreement between two or more parties especially one that is written and enforceable by law.


Job advert :


What are the drawbacks ?

Contracts can be hard to fine

Can be a long period between having contracts

Variety of skills needed depending on the contract



What is it ?

A job in which they work by a contract with no set time limit/date of end.

Job advert :

Salary :

£25,000 – £35,000 per annum

What are the advantages ?

Long time job

permanent means you wont have to look for work often like a freelancer



What is it ?

An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment, and it can be paid or unpaid. If you want to go into publishing, you might have to take an internship before you are qualified for an actual job.

Job advert :


What are the advantages ?

You get a look in to the industry

Better backing when getting a job as most companies will look for experience




What is it ?

Volunteering to do work and not being payed

Advantages :

Experience in the industry you volunteer


Taste for the industry

Disadvantages :

No pay as it is voluntary

Time consuming



What is it ?

for only part of the usual working day or week.

Job advert :


Requirements :



What are the advantages ?

Less work time

Allows you to do other work at the same time



What is it ?

occupying or using the whole of someone’s available working time.


Job advert :

Requirements :


lots of experience

interest in the area of work

What are the advantages ?

More money

What are the disadvantages ?

Less free time

More stressful



Types of Companies – Legal Entities

1)Sole trader –


A person who is the exclusive owner of a business, entitled to keep all profits after tax has been paid but liable for all losses. Often a indie developer.


2)Private limited company limited by shares (LTD)


“Limited by shares” means that the liability of the shareholders to creditors of the company is limited to the capital originally invested, i.e. the nominal value of the shares and any premium paid in return for the issue of the shares by the company.


3)Private limited company limited by guarantee (LBG) –


In British and Irish company law, a private company limited by guarantee (LBG) is an alternative type of corporation used primarily for non-profit organisations that require legal personality.


4)Public limited company (PLC)


A public limited company (PLC) is the standard legal designation of a company which has offered shares to the general public and has limited liability. A Public Limited Company’s stock can be acquired by anyone and holders are only limited to potentially lose the amount paid for the shares.


5)’Ordinary’ business partnership


An ordinary partnership is defined as a partnership between a group of partners, who all are jointly and unlimitedly liable for the obligations of the partnership. Each partner must bring a contribution in form of money other valuable properties or services.

6)Limited partnerships


A limited partnership (LP) is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that where a general partnership must have at least two general partners (GPs), a limited partnership must have at least one GP and at least one limited partner.

7) Limited liability partnership program


A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a partnership in which some or all partners (depending on the jurisdiction) have limited liabilities. It therefore exhibits elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence



An ‘unincorporated association’ is an organisation set up through an agreement between a group of people who come together for a reason other than to make a profit, eg a voluntary group or a sports club.