Nomad – Creating A Flamethrower

So today when watching the live stream of Nomad being developed i came up with the idea of a flamethrower , cause why not right ? Flamethrowers are great! I pitched my idea to the twitch chat and also to the Dev and everyone liked the idea , he also said i have full freedom over what i want to make , if i make a cool weapon he will add them in , so this will mean i will be making more in the future.

It is not 100% done as i am writing this blog because the handles are still not 100% decided currently i have a handle on the top which you will see later down the post.

First off i started getting reference images of flamethrowers :

Originally i had planned to do something along the lines of the ones above however it would have been allot more difficult for the dev to add as it would have to be on the characters back but also in his hand . So i decided to go for another style of flamethrower which uses a small canister that you load into the flamethrower rather then carrying such a big device on your back. We want our character to perform actions , maybe not as crazy as this but still.

So here are the new reference images i went with :

After a good bit of time working on it i came out with a nice product which i like and i think works for what i need , i have tried to keep it low detail and low poly to match the style of the game, the whole model is 374 polys and this is what it looks like un-textured :

It still has to be tested in game to see if it actually fits in and works with the character , if not it may not be used , but making it is still something i can show off and it is always fun to model things. If it works out i will post another blog showing it off in game showing how it works and what it looks like textured. I’m also working on a Helicopter crash site for the game which i still have to finish and write about and i’m looking forward to finishing it.

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