Global Game Jam : My Review And Thoughts

This blog post is not going to be incredibly detailed as i do not have much to talk about .

On the Friday (29th Jan)  we were given a talk via a skype call from a member of the team over at Oculus and he talked about his career , path choices , steps to getting a good position in the gaming industry and also tips. He also gave us a few pointers on the game jam and what we should or should not do , he said don’t get angry , use it as a learning experience , have fun but also try your best, finishing with the most important part of try to get something playable and don’t expect to get loads done in 2 days.

Did i do as much as what i could have ?

No i could have been 1000 time more productive , i could have done more work in the given time and i am disappointed about the lack of work i produced. Why am i disappointed ? not only the lack of work but the level of quality i produced. The only work i produced was one character design (transforming someone else on the teams character to a hooded man) i also did few animations such as walking left , right and also an idle animation in which the characters head and shoulders bobbed up and down. I also produced a fully animated cut scene. This might seem like i did quite allot but really it was not much as the walking animation was not very complex and was simply a leg rising up and down , the idle animation took 3 frames of a head and arms moving up and down. I was going to do allot more of a complex walking animation but half way through completing the walking animation i got told there is no point and to change it to a lot more of a simple animation.

Future Plans For Game Jams ?

Try not to go in with a pre made team (God if Ant reads this i know he is going to say “i told you so” haha ) , i found that the teams with the best games were put together on the day this is also because it meant they all were working for one idea that they liked and there was a more balanced ratio of Coders to Designers meaning work could be split more and can work to a bigger game. I am also going to try go for a group that are doing a 3D game , yeah my main feature / specialty is design i prefer modelling to doing 2D graphics because it means there is more to do and a 3D game looks lot better then a 2D game in my opinion.

What do i think of my teams game ?

I think it is a good concept if it worked on more and made sure to work as a full game , due to not loads of coders we were not able to get lots of levels / features into the game as we would have liked however the coder we had did a great job at getting stuff in we asked for so i definitely think if we are to work on the game more we can make it look good and make the enjoyment greater when playing the game. There is one thing i’m disappointed at , this being lot of my stuff was not put into the game  in fact 50% of my work as i did not do loads , this being the animated cut scene and the hooded character but at the end of the day what can be done we worked hard we tried to get a good game and overall im happy with our game and i enjoyed the Global Game Jam 2016 and cant wait for the next game jam in a few weeks at the college which i believe is Game Blast .

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