Modelling For A Game


A month or two ago i was browsing through ‘s development section and came across someone working on a game which is on steam called “Nomad”.

“Nomad is a blocky sandbox zombie survival game. Hunt, craft, kill and survive! Nomad is set in the future after a zombie apocalypse. Find food, drink, weapons, ammo and medical supplies – or craft them! Explore Set years after an apocalypse, the world is over grown, broken and abandoned.”

Nomad is made in Unity and as we are using Unity in class and learning it i thought id try get on board with the Nomad project. After a bit of researching the game i found the 2 developers of the game and contacted them , explaining that i am interested in modeling and study game design. I requested he gave me a task / live brief and if i was good enough i asked could i get on board with the project.

He gave me a task and stated this “Create a building and a weapon that are styled and would fit in with the world of Nomad” he did not set me deadline or set me any other rules/recommendations.

I bought the game on  steam and explored the world a bit taking screenshots of building’s exteriors / interiors and just general mapping so i had a feel for how the game was.

Here are some i took :

Now i had seen the game for myself and had a feel for the style of the game i got to work thinking of a buildings i could try , it came to mind when i seen the store/market in the game that a shop would be good i also seen the cars and decided why not make a gas/petrol station including a little store.

After making the pumps and the parking areas (i do not know official name) at home i worked on the actual building (store part) of the compound in class while working and when i got home i combined the two and was finished with a non textured compound.

Here is the screen caps straight from 3ds Max of the gas station without textures etc :

After finishing my model i contacted the developer again and asked for feedback , how i could improve or if it was wrong style / general criticism.

“that’s pretty much nomad models”
” just simple low poly stuff”
“it looks good man, good work”

*update 24/01/2015*

Since this post was wrote up i have talked to the dev and he has agreed to help me join in the production of this game. I will be writing a blog post on the modelling i do when it comes round to starting as the dev is deciding on a complete revamp of a map and is planning then will be giving me a list to work on. I am still in contact so i hope to be able to work for a longtime.

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