VFX Shoot Concept Idea

Today in class we were moved into new seats in the room creating new groups to work with , within these groups we were tasked with creating a pitch/concept for a VFX shoot . The requirement of making this shoot was , there was no interaction between objects and also no camera movement , it had to be a still shot recording.

In our group we sat down and discussed different VFX concepts , we came up with these ideas

1)Drone flying

2)Spaceship flying overhead


4)Rocket being fired down a corridor

5)Robotic spider

The end idea we came up with was shooting a rocket launcher down a corridor but as if you are in a game , the main character will be looking down the character but the camera will be his eye sight so there will be a HUD so like a map maybe , ammo count and other HUD related features. The character will see a floating rocket launcher in the centre of the corridor rotating , the character will walk forward into it and then it will switch to him with the launcher in his hand , he fires it and the rocket speeds off down the corridor , the camera will switch to next to the rocket and as it passes the camera it slows down and zooms into the rocket as it fly’s down the corridor .

I will be writing a blog post next week showing of drawings of things such as mood boards , concept drawings of the rocket and rocket launcher.

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