Marriot Hotel App Progress

Today we have started to get back to work on the Marriot Hotel App , we had a meeting and discussed the roles between the group.

As the base plan of the app and base graphics for the layout was completed everyone was put forward to code now , between the 7 of us we split the remaining code between us.

We uploaded our current progress to the drive so everyone had access to a shell of the app featuring the two basic menu buttons and the size layout.

I took notes of the tasks and the people assigned to each job. Here is the layout of the notes :

Sub menu – Nathan and Cate

Swipe navigation between the pictures – Tom and Josh

Course choice button – Beth

Checkout screen – (Not assigned because needs other tasks done and this is a final job to do , to complete the app)

Stopping the two menus from overlapping and being able to be clicked at same time – Jess and Gabriel

Database – (Again this has not been assigned cause the way it will work has not yet been decided or worked out)

This was a brief blog to report progress on the app , I will write another one to show evidence of the work and what has been done.


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