Lesson In VFX – The Introduction

Today we were introduced to VFX. This blog is going to be a summary of todays lesson.

First of all, the lecturer showed us the mark scheme for this subject, showing us what we needed to do to gain a good mark / grade.

First of all is our Blog , we need to represent the topic in our blog and explain our understanding and display our work appropriately to display progress in developing skills. The blogs should cover what we are doing good at , how good our team work is in all of our group work activities what we could do to improve in everything we do and also what went bad in the lessons or in our work that can be fixed in the next lesson.

We should also show planning of our work throughout the topic of all of our work, both independent and group work.

We need to show evidence of a shoot taking place this can be done through time lapses , photos etc.

Next up we were given the definitions of both visual effects and special effects , here they are :

Visual Effects :

“In filmmaking, visual effects (abbreviated VFX) are the processes by which imagery is created and/or manipulated outside the context of a live action shot. Visual effects involve the integration of live-action footage and generated imagery to create environments which look realistic, but would be dangerous, expensive, impractical, or simply impossible to capture on film. “

Special Effects :

Extraordinary visual effects in a motion picture or television program achieved by technical means, either optically, digitally, or mechanically.

We then proceeded to discuss the Bafta and Oscars awards for VFX , we got into groups and guessed which had nominations , the answers were :

BAFTA nominees :

Star Wars

Mad Max

Ant Man


The Martian

Oscar nominees :

Ant Man



Jurassic world

Mad Max

The Martian

The Revenant

Star wars

Tomorrow Land

The walk

Finally we moved onto our lectures “VFX Timeline” :

1976 – Steady cam

1977 – star wars

1978 – Superman -Z Optic system – flying man

1982 – Star trek 2 – full CGI scene

1989 – the abyss – creation of full soft bodied character

1991 – Terminator – Photoshop

1993 -Jurassic park  – full CGI animal

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