Marriott Hotel App Live Brief

Now that the Christmas game is completed and published to the internet , we were starting on getting to work with the Marriott’s live brief.

If you are interested , here is a link to Part 1 of my Christmas game blog :

Christmas Game Summary Part 1

We were tasked with creating an app that the Marriott Hotel could use for there customers to help choosing what food they want upon ordering for things like weddings. When they discussed it with us it was described as a tinder for food , having features that allow you to swipe throughout the meals and select your favourites then they will display in an online shopping style basket. All the meals have images and descriptions of the meal.

Once we had a summary of what the client wanted we set up a team of 8 people to work on this project and then split into 2 teams of 4 consisting of 2 coders and 2 artists each. Both teams had a meeting and ours decided that we would get together some concept arts for the app/ screenshots of what it could look like. One member of our team did a sketch and another did a Photoshop version , the Photoshop version was the concept we went with. Here are the concept screenshots :

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In the slideshow you can see a team members concept screenshots of the app , it shows what it looks like , one screenshot shows the meal with name, which brings us to another screenshot which shows what happens when you click the information button and the other when you click the Marriott logo and the side menu comes out.


From these screenshots with the help of the lecturer we started to take the concept into Photoshop to make an animation that is able to demonstrate our app idea and how it will work. We opened up a pre-set art board  for iPads and started assembling what the app would look like with simple control and demonstrate where text would be , the demo gif shows the information button being pressed , the like feature and the menu button it also shows swiping to the next option in the meals category.

Here it is : (GIF does not work in internet explorer you may need Chrome)

marriott gif 2

The coding team have started to make work on making the buttons work and have made the information button work (open and close) and also the Marriott logo open the side menu. They have used circles at the minute just for testing purpose. I will write another post about this in about a week just to show how we have started on fonts and other things ready to create a final product.

I feel the team that I am on is good at working together and progress will be good, it will be better then the progress we made in the Christmas game because there is 4 of us and we are all dedicated to getting the job done , 2 of the members on my team are the ones that helped greatly with the Christmas game so we know what will happen if we do not try hard enough to complete it and leave it to last minute , this is why we are starting early as we can . Our teams communication is good and our organisation is also well done , our files are organised in a drive and the coders have good communication with the designers so we will make sure this app is completed and looks as good as it could be to meet the clients demands.

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