QA Tester in the games industry

What is the role ?

Quality Assurance Technicians, or Testers, perform a vital role. They test, tune, debug and suggest the detailed refinements that ensure the quality and playability of the finished game. They play-test the game in a systematic way, analysing the game’s performance against the designer’s intentions, identifying problems and suggesting improvements.

How do i become the role / what do i need ?

To do this role, you will need to:

  • be analytical and methodical
  • have a good knowledge of games titles on the market so that you can evaluate a game against its competition
  • have an understanding of how games are put together and how the different elements of a game contribute to the playing experience
  • be able not only to identify and record a problem, but also to try to work out what is causing it
  • have excellent communication skills, including tact in dealing with other members of the team
  • pay close attention to detail
  • be persistent and patient
  • be able to play games for long periods
  • have good negotiation and conflict resolution skills
  • have a passion for game playing
  • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

and to get into the role :

You won’t need a specific qualification to be a QA Tester, although some programming knowledge or experience would stand you in good stead. A good standard of English (both written and verbal) is necessary in order to document your findings and communicate them to colleagues.  Competition for this job can be quite high, but a successful work experience placement can be an effective way in. You could also work in computer games retail, as this provides useful background knowledge and an awareness of audience needs.


From research i have found that this job is a great way to start your way into the games industry and get you into big companies and you can climb your way to the top of the jobs list from this position. You can work along side some great people and is most certainly a good route to go down.



External producer role in the games industry

To be a external producer you will need to be/do the following :

  • have a clear understanding of the role and requirements of a game publishing company and a game development company
  • understand the development and publishing processes from a game’s design phase through to its release
  • have solid project management skills including scheduling, budget and risk management
  • have a passion for games
  • be able to handle multiple projects at the same time
  • have excellent communication and presentation skills
  • be able to manage people, time and resources
  • have good negotiation skills
  • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

What does an External Producer do?

The External Producer is responsible for ensuring the successful delivery of a game, while working externally from the development team.

External Producers are almost always employed by a game publisher. Working out of the publisher’s head office, they liaise between the publisher’s sales and marketing departments and the game developer, which may be located hundreds of miles away.

Will I need a qualification?

You don’t need a formal qualification to be an External Producer. That said, most External Producers are graduates, with common areas of study including visual and technical arts.

What’s the best route in?

There is no set route for you to follow in becoming an External Producer, but it is not an entry-level role. You will usually need to have over five years’ experience in games development, and will have worked on several commercially available titles.


The role of a level editor

Is this role right for me?

To do this role, you will need to:

  • have good spatial and layout design skills
  • have knowledge of 3D modelling and a firm grasp of game design principles
  • have the ability to visualise layouts


What does a Level Editor do?

The Level Editor defines and creates interactive architecture for a segment of a game, including the landscape, buildings and objects.

They must be true to the overall design specification, using the characters and story elements defined by the Game Designer, but they often have considerable freedom to vary the specific look and feel of the level for which they are responsible. They define the environment, general layout of the spaces within the level, and lighting, textures, and forms. The define the characters and objects involved, whether they are player-controlled or non-player characters, and any specific behaviours associated with the characters and objects.

A level designer you might know :

John Romero

John RomeroJohn Romero: Doom and Quake lead designer and level designer, Daikatana producer, co-founder of id Software, Ion Storm, Loot Drop, and Monkeystone Games

Interested? Find out more…


  • 3DWorld – the magazine for SFX, TV production and game development artists
  • BECTU – the UK’s media and entertainment trade union, covering broadcasting, film, independent production, theatre and the arts, leisure and digital media
  • Develop – the monthly magazine for European developers
  • e-Skills UK – the Sector Skills Council for IT, Telecoms and Contact Centres
  • Edge – the UK’s self-styled bible for UK gamers
  • Eurogamer – European-focused consumer website
  • Gamasutra – website founded in 1997 that focuses on all aspects of video game development
  • – online community for game developers of all levels
  • – covering breaking news from the game’s business
  • IGDA – the International Game Developers Association, a global network of collaborative projects and communities comprising individuals from all fields of game development
  • IGN – internet media and services provider focused on the video game, entertainment men’s lifestyle markets
  • MCV – the weekly trade magazine of the UK games industry,
  • TIGA – the Independent Games Developers Trade Association – non-profit trade association representing the UK’s games industry
  • Ukie – the Association for UK Interactive Entertainment – champions the interests, needs and positive image of the video games and interactive entertainment industry whose companies make up its membership

Role of a games designer

First of all , what is a games designer ?

Game Designers devise what a game consists of and how it plays. They plan and define all the elements of a game: its setting; structure; rules; story flow; characters; the objects, props, vehicles, and devices available to the characters; interface design; and modes of play. Once the game is devised, the Game Designer communicates this to the rest of the development team who create the art assets and computer code that allow the game to be played.

Next , what would you need to do to become a games designer ?

There’s no set route you can follow to become a Game Designer. However, this is not an entry-level role. Game development is a highly complex, intensive process which can last up to two years or more, requiring teams of programmers, artists, project managers, writers, musicians and many others.

What kind of requirements is there to be a games designer ?

To do this role, you will need to:

  • be able to work in collaboration with multi-disciplinary teams
  • be able to communicate your vision to artists, programmers, producers, marketing staff, and others involved in the development process
  • be able to accept constructive feedback on your work
  • be able to present your ideas both verbally and on paper
  • be imaginative and creative
  • have good written and verbal communication skills
  • have good basic visual design and drawing skills
  • be reasonably fluent in a range of 2D and 3D graphics and animation packages, such as 3D Studio Max, NUKE or Maya
  • have some programming skills at least at ‘scripting’ level
  • have an awareness of the various games platforms and technologies
  • possess a thorough understanding of game play theory
  • have storytelling and narrative development skills
  • be skilled in information design and user interface design
  • be able to think systematically and strategically
  • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

Who is a good example of a games designer ?

Markus Persson


Markus Alexej Persson (born 1 June 1979), also known as Notch or xNotch,  is a Swedish video game programmer and designer who founded the video game company Mojang alongside Carl Manneh and Jakob Porser in late 2010.

Role of a games animator

brief description

Being responsible for the portrayal of movement and behaviour within a game, making best use of the game engine’s technology, within the platform’s limitations.


How can you know if the role would be right for you ?

To do this role, you will need to:

  • have knowledge of traditional and computer 2D and 3D animation techniques
  • be creative and imaginative
  • have knowledge of full motion video (FMV)
  • be able to work as part a team and also on your own initiative
  • be able to take responsibility for organising your work within the production schedule, managing files and meeting deadlines
  • understand the production process
  • be able to communicate effectively with other teams and disciplines is essential
  • have some knowledge of programming, ideally
  • be able to reveal attitude, emotions and mood through a character’s movement and behaviour
  • understand the timing and appearance of human and animal movement and facial expressions, and be able to lip sync
  • be able to create memorable characters that will appeal to players
  • have spatial awareness and a feel for movement over time
  • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures


What’s the best route in?

Ideally, you will already have gained strong skills in a computer animation package when you take your first steps into the industry, either during a degree course or elsewhere – such as 3D Studio Max or Maya. As well as this, you will need a background in practical art, with life drawing skills being particularly useful.



Here is a video of some animation that i found :

Role Of A Lead Artist

Brief summary of the role :

  • Being responsible for the overall look of a game
  • Devising the game’s visual style and directing the production of all visual material throughout the game’s development
  • Managing the art and animation team

What is the role ?

The Lead Artist (also known as Art Director or Creative Manager) is responsible for the overall look of the game. Working with the Game Designer and Lead Programmer, the Lead Artist devises the game’s visual style and directs the production of all visual material throughout the game’s development.

They produce much of the initial artwork themselves, setting creative and technical standards and determining the best tools and techniques to use.


What skills or qualities you need for this role :

  • be able to inspire and motivate a large team of creative talent
  • have a distinctive and original style
  • understand all the roles within the art department and also of any outsourced contractors
  • be able to build good working relationships with other departments
  • be able to communicate clearly with senior managers, designers, programmers, testers and other personnel in their own language

A good example of a lead designer in the games industry is :

Steve Dietz

Steve Dietz

Senior Artist at Epic Games

Sunderland, United Kingdom
Computer Games
Current Senior Artist at Epic Games
Past Art Director at Pitbull Studio Limited, Art Director at Lightning Fish Games, Lead Artist at Midway Games, Art Director at Midway Games,…
Education University of Sunderland
Summary • Over 16 years experience in art in the video games industry. • Over 9 years experience as a lead Artist/Art Manager

The role of a concept artist

What is the role of a concept artist within the games industry ?

A concept artist –  usually using traditional materials (e.g. pen and paper) rather than computer software, the Concept Artist sketches ideas for the game worlds, characters, objects, vehicles, furniture, clothing, etc. They also suggest level designs, colour schemes, and the mood and feel of the game. Although not involved in creating the actual game art, their concept will shape the look of the game.

What is needed to become a concept artist ?

To do this role, you will need to:

  • have an art portfolio demonstrating a range of work and originality of style
  • be able to draw from life
  • have knowledge of anatomy and architecture
  • be able to convey facial expressions and emotions
  • have a flair for colour, composition, perspective, modelling and texturing techniques, lighting and mood
  • have skills in comic book art and/or storyboarding
  • be able to work as part of a team and independently
  • be imaginative and creative
  • pay close attention to detail and have strong powers of observation
  • have good communication skills
  • be able to work to a style guide

Where might the role take me?

You could progress to be a team leader, a Senior Artist or a Lead Artist.

A popular concept artist in the games industry is :

Fernando Acosta

Fernando worked on the assasins creed syndicate concept art, i have placed a piece of his art here in my blog but you can find more of his concept art here :



The Role Of A Games Artist

What do game artists do ?

The role of the artists is to bring the game to life , give the game amazing visual aspects that make the game appealing and good to play. Artists create the visual elements of a game, such as characters, scenery, objects, vehicles, surface textures, clothing, props, and even user interface components. They also create concept art and storyboards which help communicate the proposed visual elements during the pre-production phase.


Artists do a range of jobs which have different responsibilities and techniques, including being a :

Concept Artist

3D Modeller

2D/Texture Artist


What’s the best route in to being a game artist?

To have a chance to get your foot in the door for most art roles, you should have an art background and education. You should also have some knowledge of the technical side of the work and know how to use the appropriate software packages. A good portfolio is always a great way to get a job in art , when organisations/buisnesses open up job places they will pick people with the best ideas and skills. You projects are always a good way to show this.


Some popular/famous game artists that you may know are :

Istvan Pely

Istvan Pely

Istvan Pely, born in 1974, is an American game artist. His interest in video games began when his father brought home an Apple IIe; Pely enjoyed playing adventure games such as Dragon World and Wrath of Denethenor.
Known for: Fallout 3, Fallout 4

Markus Toivonen

Markus Toivonen

This man , who’s face has not been shown  publicly goes by the name of Markus Toivonen or his internet name “Junkboy”  is a artist for Mojang.

If you are looking for a job as a game artist visit here :

The Role Of A Programmer

What is the purpose of a programmer ?

The purpose of a programmer is to design and write the computer code that runs and controls the game they are working on. After that they test the code and fix bugs within the game, they also develop customised tools for use by other members of the development team. Depending on the project , the size of the team of programmers will change. For something simple it can be a individual person project but for much bigger projects it can take multiple people to multiple teams to complete a project.

Coding languages to specialize in :

There is a wide range of coding languages to specialize in here are some examples :


C language including :

C#, Java, JavaScript and Python




For more information on these coding languages and where to learn them visit this page :


Where might the role take me?

It is likely you will start off in a junior position, performing general programming tasks, before specialising or moving into a leadership role.


Programmers you may know

Bill Gates


Arguably one of the most popular computer programmers of all time, Bill Gates is an American business magnate, computer programmer, PC pioneer, investor, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder, ex-executive officer and current chairman of Microsoft, which is the world’s largest personal-computer software company.



Guido van Rossum is a Dutch computer programmer who is the author of the popular Python programming language that is wildly used today.


Here is a good place to look if you are interested in a job as a programmer :



A new route for our group game.

In class we had the task recently to make a game as a group using unity. We came up with a game idea including lots of inside jokes and after a while when we were told we would be pitching it i thought the game needs to be changed to be a bit more appealing to an audiance rather then a game of inside jokes. I had a brief chat with some team members over text messages and we decided  it would be good to change. I said to the group i would write up design ideas of everything needed for the game in a google doc on my teams shared drive , below i have pasted what i wrote in the google doc for my team. This google doc is going to be reviewed tomorrow morning by the group and we will be having a meeting to see what is needed to change and what can be kept / salvaged to make a good game. I am happy with the decision made and hope that our game will end out good. We were told we had to answer questions when writing these blogs so here we go : What are you happy abour ? I am happy with the progress of our team and think we work well together. What are you good at  ? I think i am good at leading the team along with helping it run well and making sure we are organised and everyone has jobs/knows what to do. How could your work be improved ? I think this goes for the full team when i say this , i think the full team could improve by doing more work at home instead of just when  we are together during the day (monday to wednesday). What do you need to do to improve it ?  As i am leader of the group i am going to encourage the group members to do individual work to help out with the game development in there own time at home. How is your teamwork  ? Amazing , we work really well together. How good is your team communication ? i think it is great also we have a group facebook chat that we talk in about the game as well as a linked drive to pass things around and we also talk all the time outside of our chat. How is the teams ability to give and recieve feedback? All members of the team are good at taking advice and applying it to there work , all members are also just as good at giving tips and good at helping out in general. How good is the teams time management ? We have not really set time boundaries for tasks until last time we were together i started to get down to setting a deadline for things so we can speed up development , it worked well so i will be doing it allot more in the future to make sure we get tasks done faster. As mentioned below is the google doc contents :

Old Game idea :

Caitlin was shrunk down my the evil kieran and had to kill chickens and find her way around the level to get to cages with classmates stuck in them to receive objects to help beat the boss kieran. There would be power ups spread throughout the level that would give abilities to speed the character up this would be a can of coke or cup of coffee . The chickens were the enemies and when they are killed they would drop a chicken nugget , this would store a part of your life. The chickens when they die would also have a rare chance to drop a weapon.

New Game Idea :

Storyline :

The character is a nextgen student and tries so hard to make a game really “come to life” and something goes wrong within the code and actually makes the game come to life dragging the character in with it as well. The character is shrunk down small and is suddenly able to jump high. The character finds him/herself under the classroom table and notices a wave of their game enemies flying out of the monitor and suddenly figures out the risk of what is happening.

Goal :

The goal of the game is to survive while collecting powerups to gain powers , collect weapons to help you survive the waves of enemies filling up the classroom. You have to find parts of your games code around the room to and return them to the main pc to fix your game and return you back to your normal size and destroy all the enemies you created.


Powerups can consist of :

An energy drink , this can increase your movement speed , this involves your running , walking and jumping.

Another power up can be something (item not decided) that makes your weapon better , whether this is making your raygun have unlimited ammo or whether it increases damage.

You could finally have some sort of tablet of some sort that makes you take less damage.

You could finally have a powerup which is spring boots which increases your jump height for a set amount of time.

Weapons :

Weapons will consist of anything from a raygun to a melee weapon like a sword.

There should be a range of weapons both melee and ranged. Some ideas that i have thought of could be :

Raygun , sword of some sort , normal gun that shoots some sort of like tetris blocks and a weapon like a spear or javelin. There can be many more ideas of weapons but i think a few to start off are good , the weapons could be acquired by breaking stuff open to find them around the room.

Enemies :

Enemies should be sprite based and simple pixel design , these should be based around retro kind of enemies and characters like the film pixels which has pac man and many other old retro characters in it. These will be things that can most likely fly/hover so animations are not needed for walking and they can just glide across the room. The enemies can both fire at you and some can just kill you upon colliding with them .

Level Design :

The level will just be the classroom as it both links in with the story and also is partly finished already for the previous game idea we had. We will have to use obstacles that we can climb up like placeable ladders or something like ropes to help us scale up , down and over objects to help navigate around the room from high objects down to low and the over way around. we will have to fill the room with computer related objects like USB sticks etc just to clutter the desks a bit more and the floors just to make it look more populated and not so empty spaced.

Name :

The name of the game has not been decided however i believe that a good name could be something relating to the story like “ A Nextgen Reality” because this shows that its next gen and a then links to the idea of it being a reality. All ideas are good.

Intro / Cutscene :

You always need a start to a game to explain the story and the objective/what is going on and how you got there. Instead of doing some sort of action scene i think we should have a simple cartoon strip of a person making a game at a desk and then the computer starts glowing and then the character gets thrown backwards in his/her chair away from the desk and gets shrunk as a wave of enemies start flying out the screen . Then the final image can be them flying towards him/her. Then it swaps into the game and a text box comes up at the bottom of the screen explaining controls and objective of what you have to do.

Character :

The character does not need allot of detail put into it apart from for the comic strip this means no modeling of the character will need to be done as it will be in first person and you wont seen the body of the character.

Sounds :

For sounds , i know we sent a list away to the music students. The list we sent is pretty much still needed and can be used apart from the chickens, any other sound effects we could need we can make or find non copyrighted samples on the internet to use.