College Modelling Project

 My first task in designing the college was to make sketches of the college first I made the room that we work in (On Photoshop) as shown below :


From that I proceeded to add colour to try represent the room. It is also to test the feel of the room and test if looks realistic:

Classroom colour

I then removed the colour and added cracks to the floors and room walls. I tried to add depth to the cracks and try shade the insides :

Classroom crack 1

Now I was happy with how it looked and started to add more destruction , this consisted of smashing parts of monitors.

Classroom wrecked

Now that I had done lots of destruction I have took a break from doing the current room i’m in and started another area shown below :


Our New Game

Today we started create our environment for our game that we are making in teams. Below is a screenshot of the room that e have set up so far , none of it is textured yet however it shows us what it ill look like and helps us test the game.

IMG_1895Our game is about members of the class being captured by the evil boss of the game and locked in cages around the class room and you have to save them however you are a miniature version of Caitlin and explore around the room .

The game was inspired by to other games (The toy story game and Stuart little ) as seen in the mood board below.


Below is some of the drawings I did in Photoshop to help with the modelling for our game.


We ant to keep our textures simple and cartoon based .

Democoracy and British values


Deffenition Of Democoracy : a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Another Explanation Of Democoracy : A democracy is a form of government in which the people, either directly or indirectly, take part in governing. The word democracy originates fromGreek, and means rule of the people.

What i found was a good explanation : A type of goverment or political system ruled by citizens, people who are members of a society . In a Democoracy citizens hold some level of power and authority and they participate actively in the political, or decision-making process of there government . It then went on to explaining a direct democoracy : every member of the society participates in the political process. Then a representitive democoracy : The members of the society vote for leaders to represent them in decisions and actions of the political process.

My opinion on democoracy : I have never really been concerned about it as i never really have been educated on it so it never made me think about it. I have never noticed democoracy changing my life so i never have been bothered. I will not vote because no matter what you vote for it never happens anyways. They claim that they will change so many things for the better when in reality nothing good happens.

British Values

What I Think We Should Value :

  • Education
  • Freedom of speech
  • Laws
  • Right to Vote