3ds Max – Start of modelling and my enviroment idea

Today we have begun modelling in 3ds Max. Our first task was to create a nice and simple TV screen / monitor using many tools such as inserting , extruding , moving and other simple tools to help us begin. We were taught of helpful shortcuts and keys to help make tasks easier instead of looking for the tool in the menus. Some examples of these are : z switches to the move tool , r to scale and e to rotate. They all help speed up the process of making a model. I have then proceeded to make a desk for the screen and decorate it with items and example is shown in the image. Originally I had the issue that my stand was to thin causing texture bugs when I moved the camera around I made sure to fix this though. I am happy with how my models came out and I think I am learning the program very fast , I could improve my work by adding textures to it to make it look realistic.


I think a good environment to make in 3ds Max would be a rundown/abandoned school in a zombie apocalypse this would be good for lighting , textures and allot of the objects would be good to reuse in future projects like doors, broken parts of walls windows/smashed windows fallen beams from the roof and many more. Here is some images below that would be good to base around .

Day 1 – Polygon Productions

Yesterday on the course we were tasked with all coming up with our own games and making a pitch for them.

Today we then pitched our game to groups of 5 or 6 people and tried to convince the group why our pitch was the best and why it would be easiest to make in a week. Following from that the group voted on the best game pitch and we began to put the team together to create our game. This involved assigning a leader , designer and many other roles. Finally we moved on to using a site called scrumblr and set up notes on what we are going to do and our tasks ahead.